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Call 360-798-3039

"low voltage systems" Services in Mount Vista, WA has been our specialty.

Mount Vista, WA "low voltage systems" Services Done Right!
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If you need "low voltage systems" Services help..Call 360-798-3039
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About Prouty's Electric Inc
Prouty's Electric Inc demonstrates their knowledge and expertise of the electrical industry for all your low voltage systems needs. Prouty's Electric Inc provides quality and value in all of our low voltage systems services. Our experience in low voltage systems services allows Prouty's Electric Inc to guide your project from beginning to end. For an estimate regarding your low voltage systems needs please give us a call at 360-798-3039.
What Makes Us Unique?
Prouty's Electric Inc goals are to exceed the customers expectations in all of your low voltage systems needs. Prouty's Electric Inc pays attention to detail and communication, and provides you with qualified professionals, as well as setting high standards for all your low voltage systems needs. For an estimate for all your low voltage systems needs give Prouty's Electric Inc a call at 360-798-3039.
bottom of unique
- Bath Exhaust Fan - Install
- Bath Exhaust Fan - Repair
- Ceiling Fan - Install
- Ceiling Fan - Repair
- Custom Low Voltage Systems
- Designer - Electrical Lighting
- Electrical
- Electrical Switches, Outlets, & Fixtures - Install or Repair
Welcome to Prouty's Electric Inc

A great example of customer low voltage systems is landscape lighting which uses commercial grade, stainless steel “power centers” to reduce standard voltage. Low-voltage fixtures can be hidden in plantings or become decorative elements. Lighting can be controlled manually, automatically, or remotely. Examples also include: Accent and walkway lighting, Signage lighting, Water feature and Security lighting.

Some Recent Projects
Prouty Electric Collage

Contact Prouty's Electric Inc

Thank you for visiting our low voltage systems website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our low voltage systems products or services.



Prouty's Electric Inc
12810 Northeast 152 Ave
Brush Prarie ,  WA   98606

We would love to solve your low voltage systems needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Mount Vista, WA could.